6 Things to Do When You Plan for Divorce in Michigan

Divorce can be stressful, overwhelming, and scary.  With a few preparations in advance, however, the process can feel much more manageable and empowering.

This is a list of 6 recommendations we make to our clients before they file for divorce.

1. Hire a lawyer

The first thing to do is hire a lawyer.  An experienced lawyer who focuses on family law matters including divorce and custody.  Not a lawyer who dabbles in divorces, writing trusts, personal injury cases and an occasional criminal case.

  • Make sure your lawyer has courtroom experience and feels like they are someone you can talk to.

  • Make sure they listen and take their time to understand you and your family.

By having a lawyer lined up in advance, you will be able to ask many questions ahead of time and be knowledgeable about what to expect and the process.

2. Collect all of your information and records

It is critical to collect all of the information about assets and debts before filing for divorce.  This includes, but is not limited to: bank accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, investments, debts, loans, and credit card balances prior to filing for divorce.

While most people keep these documents at home, it is important to find a backup way to save them as well – store scanned copies to a cloud or give someone you trust copies of the documents.

3. Let your lawyer know your fears about filing for divorce

If you are afraid you will be hurt or have been threatened by your spouse in the past, make sure you tell your lawyer this information right away.  If your spouse has threatened to kidnap the children, stop paying bills, or otherwise retaliate, there are ways to protect yourself. 

When a divorce is filed, attorneys can often take matters to the judges directly, before your spouse knows the divorce is coming.  Sometimes, judges will enter ex parte orders to ensure that bills continue to be paid, that the parties are ordered not to touch marital assets, to keep the children in the marital home as the case progresses, and even to order guns be removed from the home in extreme cases. 

These are just a few of the steps a lawyer can do to protect you.  The more detailed information you can provide, for example e-mailed or texted threats, the better.  Providing your lawyer detailed information including the dates and times of any threats, or witnesses to the same, will make a huge difference.

4. Contact your support system

While it is not the rest of the world’s business, it is important you have trusted people you can turn to if you need support.  Lawyers are excellent at legal work, however, many of our clients need close friends and family nearby to confide in. Some clients benefit from working with a therapist or life coach.

While a looming divorce may or may not be a surprise, it is important that your support system knows what to expect so they can help you if there is any blowback or fallout.  Let them know the day you intend to file, when you plan to tell your spouse, if you plan to tell your spouse, and how they can help you best.

5. Have money available

We are not by any means suggesting that you hide money or start secret accounts that you never disclose.  It is important to have your own nest egg of money, however, for when expenses do creep up or if you need some during the process. 

We have seen cases where an angry spouse removes all of the family’s money from bank accounts.  While this can mostly be fixed by the courts later – the inability to pay bills in the meantime is simply a headache you don’t need.

By planning accordingly, you can protect yourself and make things smoother.  If your soon-to-be-ex does play games, you have a backup plan already in place.

6. Get a copy of your credit report

Your credit report will detail a number of things, including accounts and cards you may have forgotten about.  When a person becomes single and wants to move on to buy their own home, it is critical to know your personal credit score. 

Many of our clients have been stunned to see that their irresponsible spouses failed to timely pay bills or have not paid off joint accounts.  Knowing everything out there is very important – especially because you will be using this information to make decisions about your future.

Contact Bloomfield Family Law

At the Bloomfield Legal Family Firm, we represent men and women in divorce and custody actions.  Proper planning and preparation can avoid many unnecessary problems.  Divorce is stressful enough without adding issues to that stress. 

If you or a loved one would like a consultation to set yourself up for success prior to filing, please call our office today.


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