Michigan Divorce Lawyer
Dissolving a marriage can be a challenging and stressful process. There are many factors you will need to consider when divorcing your spouse. Having a divorce lawyer by your side can help reduce stress and make your case go as smoothly as possible. One of our skilled family law attorneys could be an invaluable resource throughout the dissolution of your marriage, offering you guidance and representation every step of the way.
Initiating a Divorce in oakland and macomb county
To start your divorce proceedings, you or your spouse must file a summons and complaint with the appropriate County court. Your divorce attorney will help you try to file first in an effort to protect your rights, but the case will move forward regardless of who files first.
In order to get a divorce in the State of Michigan, you or your spouse must have resided in Michigan for 180 days preceding the filing. One of you must have also resided in the specific county where you filed for divorce for at least 10 days preceding the complaint.
How Long do Local Divorce Cases Typically Last?
Divorce cases can vary in length of time, and the duration typically depends on whether or not the couple has children. If they do not have children, a final judgment can be entered 60 days after the time of the complaint, as long as there are no special circumstances the court needs to consider. Otherwise, for divorcing parties who do have children, a final judgment cannot be entered until six months after the complaint is filed.
Temporary Divorce Orders
Courts often enter temporary orders that set child-sharing schedules and financial expectations that will last during the pendency of the divorce. These orders prevent conflict over parenting time with the children and help avoid situations where one party may waste, sell, or hide assets from their spouse.
Participating in Mediation as Part of a divorce
Divorcing parties may choose to participate in mediation to resolve their issues outside of court. In fact, local courts often require the parties to participate in mediation before allowing them to litigate their marital issues at trial. The agreements made in mediation may be incorporated into a final divorce decree, or the parties may take their case to court.
Essential Issues to Resolve in a Divorce
- Custody
- Child support
- Spousal support
- Parenting time
- Personal-protection orders
- Division of property and assets
- Fault (i.e., how the parties acted during the marriage)
- Responsibilities of each party during the marriage
- Accomplishments and acquisitions during the marriage
- Best interest of the child(ren)
- Needs of all parties going forward
Contact an Oakland and macomb county Divorce Attorney Today
Divorce is just one aspect of ending a marriage. Whether you are preparing to divorce or are already engaged in the process, you can benefit from the assistance of a legal advocate from our firm.
Speak to a divorce lawyer about your case and the issues you will need to resolve. Our team could evaluate your case and help form a strategy to achieve the most favorable outcome possible, so call today to get started.