Should You Document During A Divorce?

A lot of times we have clients asking whether or not it is important or necessary to document certain things that are happening either during divorce proceedings or after divorce proceedings, or even before any filings have occurred. In my experience, it is always important to document when you are documenting what is happening, you are creating the timeline and

the basis for the divorce. You're making it easier for the attorneys at Bloomfield Family Law to work through your case and have specific relevant, important facts available right at their disposal. A lot of times people ask, Well, what should I document?

And every case is different. If your case has issues of child custody where you have a parent who is essentially the main and primary caregiver and another parent who is away from the home more frequently, you're going to want to consider documenting basic tasks that the primary caregiver does that the other caregiver perhaps does not do, or

when they do them, then document that as well. If there are any concerns with the children's school attendance with the other parent, you want to go ahead and document that is that is the child absent more frequently when they're in the other parents care.

We want to get all of that documented in a timeline. What that will do is it'll assist us in identifying what you need, perhaps later down the road, and it will also assist you in knowing where to go and what to get and what specific dates to look for when you're requesting information.

Anything that would occur after the divorce? Absolutely. You can certainly document after the divorce as well. That is again going to allow the attorneys to assist in identifying what we need to to help you out and resolve the issue and also assist you in again obtaining the necessary documents that you need.

Again, if there are concerns with substance abuse on the part of the other parent document, those concerns bring that to your attorneys attention. And let us know what is happening, how frequently it's happening if the kids are present, if the kids have seen anything.

Those are all things that are very important for documentation.


Should You Leave The Home During A Divorce?


The Divorce Process Explained